Civil's Guide

Effective Lengths and Preliminary Sizing

Effective Length

Effective length factors are used in the design of steel memebers and factors correspond on the condition of the beam during construction and in its
permanent state. For example, a common example in the design of a beam is checking the top flange fully restrained (usually by floor plate/slab) or unrestrained.

The effective lentgh factors are tabulated below:

D is the overall depth of the beamThis extract is table 13 in BS 5950-1

Effective length \(L_E\) for beams without intermediate restraints
Conditions of restraint at supportsLoading conditions
  Normal loadsDestabalising loads
Compression flange laterally restrained; beam fully restrained against torsion (rotation about the longitudinal axis)Both flanges fully restrained against rotation on plan0.7L0.85L
Compression flange laterally restrained; beam fully restrained against torsion (rotation about the longitudinal axis)Compression flange fully restained against rotation on plan0.75L0.9L
Compression flange laterally restrained; beam fully restrained against torsion (rotation about the longitudinal axis)Both flanges partially restrained against rotation on plan0.8L0.95L
 Compression flange partially restrained against rotation on plan0.85L1.0L
 Both flanges free to rotate on plan1.0L1.2L
Compression flange laterally unrestrained. Both flanges free to rotate on plan.Partial torsional restraint against rotation about longitudinal axis provided by connection of bottom flange to supports1.0L + 2D1.2L + 2D
Compression flange laterally unrestrained. Both flanges free to rotate on plan.Partial torsional restraint against rotation about longitudinal axis provided only by pressure of bottom flange onto supports1.2L + 2D1.4L + 2D

Effective Length of cantilevers without intermediate restraint


This extract is table 14 in BS 5950-1

Restraint conditionsEffective Length
SupportCantilever TipNormal loadDestabalising loads
Continuous with lateral restraint to top flange
  • Free
  • Top flange laterally restrained
  • Tosional restraint
  • Lateral and torsional restraint
  • 3.0L
  • 2.7L
  • 2.4L
  • 2.1L
  • 7.5L
  • 7.5L
  • 4.5L
  • 3.6L
Continuous with partial torsional restraint
  • Free
  • Top flange laterally restrained
  • Tosional restraint
  • Lateral and torsional restraint
  • 2.0L
  • 1.8L
  • 1.6L
  • 1.4L
  • 5.0L
  • 5.0L
  • 3.0L
  • 2.4L
Continuous with lateral and torsional restraint
  • Free
  • Top flange laterally restrained
  • Tosional restraint
  • Lateral and torsional restraint
  • 1.0L
  • 0.9L
  • 0.8L
  • 0.7L
  • 2.5L
  • 2.5L
  • 1.5L
  • 1.2L
Restrained laterally, torsionally and against rotation on plan
  • Free
  • Top flange laterally restrained
  • Tosional restraint
  • Lateral and torsional restraint
  • 0.8L
  • 0.7L
  • 0.6L
  • 0.5L
  • 1.4L
  • 1.4L
  • 0.6L
  • 0.5L

Preliminary Sizing of Steel Beams

When starting the design of any stuctural members, there are rules of thumb (span to depth ratio) which are commonly used to determine the size of a members which provide a starting point in a design before refining it through calculations and checks.

When steel beams depths become large/long spans, deflection will govern the design

Floor Type Span (m)
Composite beam & in-situ composite slab 6-12
Steel beam & precast slab 6-9
Slimfor beam & precast slab 6-12
Composite beams with web openings 6-12
Castellated/Cellular beams 6-12
Truss 6-12
Composite plate girder 6-12
Span to depth ratios for different beam solutions
Element Depth
Non-composite primary beams Floor = span/20
Roof = span/25
Non-composite secondary beams Floor = span/25
Roof = span/30
Composite beams
  • Span/16 to span/18 (includes depth of slab)

Typical Column sizes

The maximum length of a column is dictated by the transportable length on the back of a truck/wagon on the motorway. The maximum lnegth is typically 12m – 15m before a splice connection between 2 columns.

Number of floors supported by column Universal column size (UC)
1-2 stories 152 UC
2-4 stories 203 UC
3-6 stories 254 UC
5-12 stories 305 UC
8-12+ stories 356 UC

Section classification of Structural Steel

Structural steel sections are classified as either elastic or plastic which is determined in accordance to Eurocde 3 (BS EN 1993). The thinner the web and plate sections in steel means that the beam will likely buckle locally as the section is slender. This means the section cannot achieve its full plastic capacity. This will impact the capacity of the steel in design scenarios. British standards used to refer the classifications as plastic, compact, semi-compact and slender before changing to class 1,2,3 and 4 in accordance to Eurocodes.

Before beginning the design of any steel member, the section classification must be confirmed, which will allow us to determine it’s capacity when checking against bending, shear, etc.

Cross-section classification Method of global analysis Method of section analysis Description
Class 1 Plastic Plastic achieves a plastic hinge and has rotatational capacity required for plastic analysis.
Class 2 Elastic Plastic achieves a hinge, but limited rotational capacity due to local buckling.
Class 3 Elastic Elastic achieves yield strength with elastic distribution, but local buckling prevents development of the plastic moment resistance.
Class 4 Elastic Elastic plate buckling local buckling prevents attainment of yield